如果把雅思口语考试看成一场面试,那我们的确可以从面试这个角度学到很多,比如眼神交流~因为是一对一的形式,适当的眼神交流是非常有必要的~ 咳!咳!注意啦!是适当的眼神交流,这个也是有技巧的!下面就来具体看一下吧! Eye contact and IELTS interview technique This lesson focusses on one slightly unusual speaking skill, but for me an important one. The idea is that almost invariably the best speakers are speakers who make an appropriate amount of eye contact. There are no rules here – not least because cultures vary – but my own experience is that speakers who fail to make eye contact are poor speakers. That does not mean that they h... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语技巧:与考官适当的眼神交流的相关文章