口一:朋友do not have enough money 做什么或者买东西(记不清) 口二:a busy schedule or a lighter schedule, which one do u perfer? 口三: Reading: letter from a student: 礼堂内held gradute ceremony 改成在lawn held. R1: big space R2: 不记得。。。 Talking: 1. 礼堂space is enough 2. 在礼堂举行可以watch through TV 口四:social reponsbility——companies recognize obligation后可能会有经济损失 Example: a coffee shop以前用plastic cups,后来意识到环境问题,就用a new type cups,就是用纸杯,并且给consumer who use旧杯子discount. 口五:club affair 和radio club tomorrow时间有冲突 口六:两个不同的盒子,一个open, the other closed... [ 查看全文 ]托福机经:6月9日托福考试口语回忆的相关文章