Weather 雅思口语话题的范文介绍
关于天气类的话题是雅思口语中最常见的一类,所以大家在备考自己的雅思口语考试的时候,一定要准备一些相关的信息。 由于近年来,天气的变化越来越无常,雅思口语考试中天气类的话题也是越来越多,考官一般会要求你Describe an experience you had with bad weather等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。 Part 3 Weather最常见的雅思口语话题 Besides the example you just gave (in Part 2), what are some other examples of bad weather (in your country)? Do different parts of your country experience different types of bad weather? Why do you think people call it "bad weather"? Is there anything we can do to prepare for bad weather? Do you thin... [ 查看全文 ]Weather 雅思口语话题的范文介绍的相关文章