夏日炎炎,高温不断,一到夏天最容易让人联想到的词汇就是“hot”,在英语中有关“hot”的短语表达你都知道吗? hot potato 烫手山芋; in hot water 遇到麻烦; blow hot and cold 反复无常; hot and bothered 烦躁不安; full of hot air 夸夸其谈; have the hots for 迷恋某人; hot on the heels 紧随其后; in the hot seat 如坐针毡。 [ 查看全文 ]专题推荐:
雅思词汇参考:女性专用车厢Women-only compartment
夏季女性穿着比较清凉,不少“咸猪手”开始蠢蠢欲动。近日不少网友爆料在地铁车厢遭遇色狼。对此有人建议地铁开设女性专用车厢。 请看报道: Guangzhou Daily recently launched a survey on its micro blog about the necessity to open women-only compartments after reports of ...[ 查看全文 ]