2012年6月16日雅思口语话题汇总Part Two
6月16日雅思口语Part Two话题汇总(全国版) 从各考点的考试情况来看,6月16日考试旧题为主,出现了少部分新题及一些旧题换新的题目。本次雅思口语考试出现新话题有:A family news that made you happy、An electronic device. Part Two 事件题 An occasion you have to be polite(深圳、北京) Describe an occasion you have to be polite. when. where, how to be polite Part 3 How to be polite? What‘s the difference between Chinese and westerners in behaviors? How to make the foreigners understand your politeness? How to conceal your bad feelings? What‘s the difference between being polite and being friendly? A Free da... [ 查看全文 ]2012年6月16日雅思口语话题汇总Part Two的相关文章