Do you have a mobile phone? Which is more important to us, a mobile phone or a fax machine? Do you prefer to send text messages or to make phone calls? Do you often read newspapers? Why? Where do you meet new people? Where did people meet new people in the past? Where do you usually buy clothing? What is your favorite kind of clothing? Have you ever been to a concert? Did you like it? What kind of music do you like? What are the differences between going to a concert and listening to CDs? (We can hear singers or bands perform live in conce... [ 查看全文 ]名师预测2012年7月雅思口语(3)的相关文章
雅思预测:2012.5.10、12 口语Part 1预测 经典话题
下面是对2012年5月12日/10日雅思口语Part 1预测的内容,包括了这次雅思口语Part 1部分中最容易出现的个人信息,家乡和体育,食物等考题,内容很多,非常丰富。下面的这些雅思口语话题就是这次考试的重点话题,大家一起来看看下面的详细内容吧。 2012年5月12日/10日雅思口语Part 1预测作用:看预测及机经还是相当有用的。有时间看一下雅思网站雅思口语类新闻。 2012年5月12日/...[ 查看全文 ]