When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a t... [ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:写你最崇拜的人的相关文章
中考英语作文:shall we go out to play football?
Afrer a whole day's hard studing, I fell very tierd and want to go out to play football for fan. But my teachers always say that it takes too much time and can make us away from studing.So they usua...[ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:Its Not Easy to Be a Student
工作了的人总是羡慕学生们无忧无虑的生活。可他们不知道当个学生有多难。他永远有做不完的作业,考试的压力无处不在,每个人都想得第一名,而且还有补不完的课。最糟糕的是,由于学生们几乎把所有的时间都用于学习,所以根本无法做自己感兴趣的事情。 It's Not Easy to Be a Student People who have finished education often admire s...[ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:The First Time to the Changan Theater
上个星期天,爸爸带我去长安大戏院听京戏。我激动极了,因为我以前从没去过戏院听戏。正戏开始以前,戏院里播放的传统音乐就几乎把我迷倒了。我们就座不久,戏就正式开始了。京戏演员们的唱腔优美,身段漂亮,他们时不时赢得观众热烈的掌声。真是太美了。我非常热爱京戏。希望以后爸爸还能带我去。 The First Time to the Chang'an Theater Last Sunday, fathe...[ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:English Corner on the Net
English Comer on the Net Every weekend, I am used to getting on the Intemet and logging on the English Comer chatting channel to practice my English. Students there talk about various topics they a...[ 查看全文 ]