留学群相关文章 有关各类植物的雅思词汇的相关文章推荐
1. pollen n. 花粉 vt. 传授花粉给
2. ovary 子房
3. petal 花瓣
4. stamen 雄蕊 雄性花蕊
5. pistil 雌蕊
6. hawthorn 山楂
7. daffodil 水仙花
8. tulip 郁金香
9. jasmine 茉莉
10. sunflower 向日葵
11. vegetable 蔬菜 植物
12. botanic 植物的 植物学的
13. geobotany 植物地理学
14. flora 植物群
15. botanical 植物学的 植物性药材
16. vegetation 植被
17. foliage 树叶 植物
18. crossbreed 杂种 异种交配
19. photosynthesis 光合作用
20. peel 剥 削
[例] Her sunburned skin began to peel.
21. pollinate 给...授粉
[例] Previous studies have shown that cultivated crops will cross-pollilnate.
22. shell 去壳 脱落
[例] The chef was shel...
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1. sociology 社会学
[例] Sociology is the study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.
2. hierarchy 层次 等级体系
[例] Th...[ 查看全文 ]
producer 制片人
newscaster 新闻评论人
milkman 送奶人
merchant 商人
florist 卖花人
baker 面包师
greengrocer 菜贩
fish-monger 鱼贩
butcher 肉贩
shoe-maker 鞋匠
saleswoman 女店员
stewardess 空中小姐
conductor 车掌
station agen...[ 查看全文 ]
daily wages 日工资
premium, bonus, extra pay 奖励
payday 发工资日, 付薪日
pay slip 工资单
payroll 薪水册
unemployment benefit 失业救济
old-age pension 退休金,养老金
collective agreement 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议
retirement 退休
...[ 查看全文 ]
Ministry of Labour 劳工部 (美作:Department of Labor)
labour market 劳工市场, 劳务市场
Labour exchange, Employment exchange 职业介绍所 (美作:Employment Bureau)
labour management 职业介绍经纪人
full employment 整日制工作
to be ...[ 查看全文 ]
管道组成件 Piping component
1.1 管子 Pipe
管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe
管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube
钢管 steel pipe
铸铁管 cast iron pipe
衬里管 lined pipe
复合管 clad pipe
碳钢管 carbon steel pipe
合金钢管 alloy steel pipe
不锈...[ 查看全文 ]
traditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinary
first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remote
virtual, create, repro...[ 查看全文 ]
coffee pot 咖啡壶
coffee cup 咖啡杯
paper towel 纸巾
napkin 餐巾
table cloth 桌布
tea -pot 茶壶
tea set 茶具
tea tray 茶盘
caddy 茶罐
dish 碟
plate 盘
saucer 小碟子
rice bowl 饭碗
chopsticks 筷子
soup spoon 汤...[ 查看全文 ]
1. literature 文学 文艺
[例] Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unit.
2. genre 类型 流派
[例] His six String Quartets were regarded as the most important wor...[ 查看全文 ]
1. linguistics 语言学
2. language 语言 语言文学
[例] People in different countries speak different languages.
3. sound 音
4. dialect 方言 土语
[例] John's dialect is hard for me to understand.
5. parl...[ 查看全文 ]
A Adjustable bed 可调床 Air bed 气床 Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手 Antique furniture 古式家具 Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具 Armchair 扶手椅
B Baby crib 婴儿床 Backless wall-u...[ 查看全文 ]