暑假即将过去,为方便2013年中考生及家长查询相关信息,留学群中考频道特别搜集汇总了中考英语学习资料以供参考: Sentence 1 As a teenager you probably have lots of rules to follow. You can't be late for school and you have to do your homework. You can't smoke or eat and drink in class. At home, your parents might say you have to help clean the house, and you can't go out on a school night. Sentence 2 Adults have to follow rules, too. They have to be in the office on time and for some jobs they have to wear a uniform. Sentence 3 If you drive a car, there are traffic rules you have to follow.... [ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语备考:Unit12同步写作3(七下)的相关文章