一、注册与入学 I. Admission 1. 所有赴菲学习的中国留学生必须遵守菲律宾政府的法律法规,尊重菲律宾人民的风俗习惯和价值信仰,不做任何危害菲律宾国家和人民安全、利益的事情。 1. Chinese students should obey rules and regulations of Philippine government, respect the culture and beliefs of the natives and not do anything that jeopardizes the securities of the Republic of the Philippines and its people. 2.新生必须按时报到,因故不能如期到校注册,必须提前请假并说明理由和请假时间,经同意后可作为事假处理,无故逾期不到者,取消入学资格。 2. The students must register on time, if not, they must specify the reason/s and time for the late enrollment in advance. When the student gets the appr... [ 查看全文 ]菲律宾留学申请百科的相关文章