暑假即将过去,为方便2013年中考生及家长查询相关信息,留学群中考频道特别搜集汇总了中考英语学习资料以供参考: Boy Scouts The Boy Scouts began in 1907 with the ideas of Robert Baden-Powell, a British soldier. Baden-Powell wrote a book for British soldiers about how to live and survive in the wilds of nature. When he found out that many British boys were reading it, he rewrote the book to teach boys about nature skills. He tested his ideas by inviting a group of 22 boys to camp out on an island for several days to learn about nature. This camp was the beginning of the scouts we know today. Toda... [ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语备考:Unit5文化背景(九年级)的相关文章