为方便2013年中考生及家长查询相关信息,留学群中考频道特别搜集汇总了中考英语作文习作以供参考: 学习英语是重要的(Its Important to Learn English) English is widely used throughout the world. so many people speak it as a second language. ()n line, you'll find lots of information in english. if you don't understand english, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge. at international conferences, english is also used as the official language. without good english, you cannot express your ideas well at such conferences, neither can you introduce china to the outside w... [ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:学习英语是重要的的相关文章
中考英语作文:Great Changes in Our School
为方便2013年中考生及家长查询相关信息,留学群中考频道特别搜集汇总了中考英语作文习作以供参考: 我们学校发生的巨大变化(Great Changes in Our School) I'm a student in a middle school. i'm glad to tell you that our school has changed a lot in the last year....[ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:I want a dog as companion
为方便2013年中考生及家长查询相关信息,留学群中考频道特别搜集汇总了中考英语作文习作以供参考: 我想要一只狗作为伴侣(I want a dog as companion) i want a dog as compenion.dogs are demanding pets .cats love the house and so are satisfactory with their pla...[ 查看全文 ]