雅思口语 有关撒谎方面的短句
What you may not know about lying, liars and lie detection: 关于撒谎、测谎、撒谎者,你所不知道的那些事儿: 1) Ironically, people who are trusting are better lie detectors. 有点讽刺的是,那些值得信赖的人往往更容易识破谎言。 2) Creative people are more dishonest and daydreamers are better liars. 具有创造力的人往往不太诚实。爱做白日梦的人更会撒谎。 3) You're not going to become a better lie-detector by watching that TV show "Lie to Me." However there are many tips that do work. 喜欢看美剧《别对我撒谎》的人,在判断别人有没有撒谎时,一般不太在行。但是,这部电视剧里的一些识破谎言的窍门确实是有效的。 4) Sadly, we lie most to those we are closest to. 可悲的是,... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语 有关撒谎方面的短句的相关文章