暑假过后,新初三生们迎来了初中最重要的一年——初三。为方便2013年中考考生及家长查询相关信息,留学群中考频道特别搜集汇总了中考英语知识点以供参考: Skyscrapers and Environment In the late 1960's, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Ecologists pointed out that a cluster of tall buildings in a city often overburdens public transportation and parking lot capacities. Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. In one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office s... [ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语备考:英语阅读拓展12的相关文章