留学群相关文章 英语演讲稿:关于勇气的相关文章推荐
In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds. I suppose it may be said of Nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit.
I have found mine a good many times. Sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.
I never had the courage to talk across a long, na...
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My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,
I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.
...[ 查看全文 ]
Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation.
大家好,我是Severn Suzuki,我代表儿童环境组织来此演讲。
We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canad...[ 查看全文 ]
背景:贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马二世,美国第44任总统,出生于美国夏威夷州火奴鲁鲁,祖籍肯尼亚(The Republic of Kenya)。奥巴马是首位拥有黑人血统,并且童年在亚洲成长的美国总统,与不同地方与不同文化背景的人共同生活过。奥巴马曾在不同场合多次表示,若当选总统,将继续奉行“一个中国政策”,和中国建立建设性的关系,以维系长久的和平与繁荣。下面便是奥巴...[ 查看全文 ]
-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.
-Please can you save your questions till the end.
-If you have any questions, I will be pleas...[ 查看全文 ]
奥一网讯 试图向不认识的人介绍自己可能会是件非常令人不好意思的事。如果你对他们完全不了解,你怎么知道该说些什么呢?你如何能和完全陌生的人开始有趣的对话呢?这儿就有五个避免第一次相识尴尬的英语开场白。
1:找共同点。就算你对这个陌生人完全不了解,事实上有一点你是知道的-你知道他们与你共处一室。“So what brings you here...[ 查看全文 ]
(Please never cast doubt on if I'm able to make this, coz this is not done by me. lol) 应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of th...[ 查看全文 ]
whenever we see the flag, when hearing a loud "anthem", i always blood boil - i am chinese, i am legend of the dragon.
to see - the great wall, like a dragon, lying in between rollin...[ 查看全文 ]
the motherland destiny also is each chinese's destiny, the motherland development and prosperous and powerful must depend on our each china's youth's contribution and the struggle.we ...[ 查看全文 ]
1 It provides people the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go.It has become a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out...[ 查看全文 ]
苒语演讲稿 毕业演讲稿
I take with me the memory of Friday afternoon ACM happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. Over the several years that I attend...[ 查看全文 ]