就中国和美国在生物工程专业上的课程来讲,还是存在着很大的差异。美国生物工程专业对于申请者的专业背景还是比较看重的,那么是生物专业毕业生更有优势?还是工程专业学生更受青睐呢? 我们先来看一下密歇根大学安娜堡分校生物工程专业的招生条件: Students with a B.S. in engineering or physics: The typical applicant has a minimum background of: One course in biochemistry One course in either basic biology or introductory physiology, including a lab One course in the biological sciences such as anatomy, microbiology, experimental psychology, physiology, pharmacology, etc. Students with a B.S. or B.A. in other areas: (Those with majors ... [ 查看全文 ]美国留学:申请生物工程专业难吗?的相关文章