巨蟹座 “怀旧”、“多愁善感”都是巨蟹座性格的一部分。你,你,你实在是太适合考雅思口语啦!“以前庆祝春节跟现在庆祝春节有什么不同”,“描述一个你小时候玩过的游戏” 等等的怀旧话题对你来说当然是不在话下,有强烈家庭意识的你,更能够把最简单,最常考的家庭类问题答得煽情十足。 考官:Now tell me something about your family. 大蟹同学:My parents are both factory workers. They are the best parents in the world! They work reallyhard to provide me the best education possible. My university is far away from home and I can't go home often because I can't affordthe tickets. But I miss them always. 考官:(热泪盈眶……) 狮子座 表现欲超强的狮子座,极需要得到别人的认同。考试的过程中常常被考官打断你惊天地泣鬼神的回答,让你郁闷得很。最让你受不了的是考官在Part II的... [ 查看全文 ]十二星座在雅思口语考试中的不同表现的相关文章