2013高考英语备考:attend to用法归纳
(1) 注意听。如: Attend now to what I tell you. 现在注意听我给你讲。 If you don’t attend to your teacher, you’ll never learn anything. 你要是不注意听老师讲,你就会什么也学不到。 (2) 处理;办理。如: I’ll attend to the matter. 这事我来处理。 I may be late --- I have one or two things to attend to. 我可能会迟到,我还有一两件事要处理。 (3) 照顾;照看。如: If you go out, who will attend to the baby? 你要是出去,谁来照顾婴儿? Will you attend to the shop for a few minutes while I go to the bank? 在我去银行时你帮我照看一下店铺好吗? (4) 接待;招待。如: Are you being attended to, sir? 先生, 有人招呼你了吗? I’m too busy. I can’t attend to you now. 我很忙,现在不能接待你。 (5) 专心;关心。如: ... [ 查看全文 ]2013高考英语备考:attend to用法归纳的相关文章
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