直击中考知识点:介词 There are many toys _______ of the girl's room. A. in the corner B. on the corner C. at the corner D. by the corner 答案是:A 解析: in the corner:在里面的拐角处:比如说屋里面的拐角处有一张桌子 ,There is a table in the corner of the house on the corner:在拐角之上,如在桌子角上放着个杯子 There is a cup on the corner of the table at he corner:在拐角外面,如问路回答:请在前面的拐角处左拐 Please turn left at the corner of the house. by the corner没有这种说法。 ... [ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语备考:真题解析“介词”的相关文章