回忆1 Part 1 meaning of name, photo Part 2 Traditional event 回忆2 p1cloth and shopping p2 favourite street p3 compare live in big cities and small village 回忆3 part1house or department,birthday,car part2 wild animal part2 zoo 好不好,去动物园前要不要先了解动物。 回忆4 deakin major excercise pt2lesson or training session pt3 shouldthetraining be free 。ways to learn。function of classroom 回忆5 p1name study major vocation holiday p2team project 回忆6 p1专业 颜色 玩具;p2 困难的事;p3野心对年轻人的好和不好 回忆7 P1 house,favor room,popular car,primary school.P2 old people.P3 ol... [ 查看全文 ]雅思机经:2012年11月24日雅思口语考试的相关文章