2013中考英语作文:The best movie theater
[编者按]2013年参加中考的同学已开始进入紧张而有序的备考阶段,为帮助初三学生更全面,更及时的掌握中考英语作文写作技巧,留学群中考频道精心为大家汇总了多篇中考英语作文范文资料,可以供同学和家长们参考。 the best movie theater Which is the best movie theater? i think the best movie theater is town city. it is the cheapest. and it has the biggest screens. it has the most comfortable seats. I like to go there. i always go there with my friends on weekends. i don’t like the movie palace. it is dirty. and it is not close to my home. i like town city best. [查看更多请点击此处] ... [ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语作文:The best movie theater的相关文章
2013中考英语作文:How To Keep Healthy
[编者按]2013年参加中考的同学已开始进入紧张而有序的备考阶段,为帮助初三学生更全面,更及时的掌握中考英语作文写作技巧,留学群中考频道精心为大家汇总了多篇中考英语作文范文资料,可以供同学和家长们参考。 怎样保持健康(how to keep healthy) In our life, many students like to eat westen foods. these foods...[ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语作文:High school musical
[编者按]2013年参加中考的同学已开始进入紧张而有序的备考阶段,为帮助初三学生更全面,更及时的掌握中考英语作文写作技巧,留学群中考频道精心为大家汇总了多篇中考英语作文范文资料,可以供同学和家长们参考。 歌舞青春影评(high school musical) I heard the film's name , but i had no chance to appreciate it unti...[ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语作文:A flower for my mum
[编者按]2013年参加中考的同学已开始进入紧张而有序的备考阶段,为帮助初三学生更全面,更及时的掌握中考英语作文写作技巧,留学群中考频道精心为大家汇总了多篇中考英语作文范文资料,可以供同学和家长们参考。 It is “mother's day” today. liz wants to buy some things for her mum, then an idea comes to h...[ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语作文:A Famous Pop Singer
[编者按]2013年参加中考的同学已开始进入紧张而有序的备考阶段,为帮助初三学生更全面,更及时的掌握中考英语作文写作技巧,留学群中考频道精心为大家汇总了多篇中考英语作文范文资料,可以供同学和家长们参考。 Jay zhou is a famous pop singer. he is famous for fine day,class two grade three, quiet, shan...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...