很多考生自认为gre作文写的很不错,但是最后都得不了很高的分数,这是为什么呢?其实,可能一些考生还不太了解gre作文评分标准,如果知道了考官对gre作文评分标准,那么只要在写作的时候按着这种标准写,肯定会得高分的。 gre作文评分标准(重要性依次递减) A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and conveys meaning skillfully. A typical paper in this category: presents an insightful position on the issue; develops the position with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples; sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically; expresses ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocab... [ 查看全文 ]考生须知:新GRE考试作文的评分标准的相关文章
GRE作文“Transitions make your essay more coherent”
我们首先来看下面这段话: Panda bear is a kind of docile lovely animal in the southwest of China. Its cherubic appearance and awkward movement appeals to not only children but also adults. It symbolizes the spir...[ 查看全文 ]专题推荐: