美国签证英语过去情况问题汇总 过去情况 1.Do you have a master degree? 2.When/where did you get your BS/MS? 3.What do you do with your work for BS/MS? 4.what is your dissertation about? 5.What/where are you doing now? 6.How much do you earn? 7.What is your academic background? 8.What is the difficult class do you have? 9.You got a low score on ****,why? 10.what's your favorite subject. and why? 11.How much is your TOEFL/GRE score ? When did you take the TOEFL/GRE test? 【更多出国签证信息请点击留学群相关链接】 出国签证英语汇总 1.护照号码 Passport Number 2.签发护照地点 Place of ... [ 查看全文 ]美国签证英语过去情况问题汇总的相关文章